Bingo Over Zoom

How To Play Virtual Bingo On Zoom

Dress “up” and join your St. Michael’s family for an hour of fun and games, and an opportunity to reconnect! While wearing your favorite/most outrageous/creative head dressing/hat, join in a live game of B-I-N-G-O over Zoom. Before the game begins, be sure to download or print approximately five bingo “cards” from our website to play multiple rounds. If several members of your family are playing, please use different cards for each individual. Details on how to connect are below.
Sunday, July 5 at 4:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting here
Dial in: +1 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 821 2376 8808
Tags: Fellowship
Zoom Bingo Playing bingo over Zoom is an easy way to hold a game night. Have each of your friends print out the same style of bingo cards (make sure they aren't identical), and have one of you as a.
Music Bingo Over Zoom

How To Do Bingo Over Zoom
- Zoom Bingo Games Zoom Bingo offers 75 and 90 ball bingo — no download required. One thing this reviewer particularly enjoyed was just how much it was possible to customise the bingo games. The colour and shades of dabbers can be changed, along with the speed of your bingo caller.
- It lasted just over 60 minutes, you book the best time when you sign up and it is delivered via Zoom and Zoom breakout rooms. Book your spot here. Companies have been using this team building game for onboarding new members of staff when they can’t meet in person.
- Link to boards:set of 100 colorful: of 100 plai.