PMDG 777; PMDG B777 Sign in to follow this. By Muyaka, January 19 in PMDG 777. Recommended Posts. Muyaka 0 Muyaka 0 Members; 0 1 post. With the new hiring that PMDG is doing, they hope to expand the team to meet the new demands of keeping the current products up to date and for new products to be made as well. The screenshots shared show the 777 with all three variants with PBR, also sporting the new PMDG house livery we came to find on the NGXu. PMDG 777-200LR as Boeing House Color used on the First 300 built. This file contains a repaint of the PMDG 777 Base Pack. PMDG 777 Version (P3D V4) Current version: 3.2 (Last Updated: 7 March 2020) 777 Global Voice Set. Current Version: 1.0. IMPORTANT: Any available updates are built into the FS2Crew 777 Main Installer.

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Etihad 777 Pmdg
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Searching for: '777' in Microsoft - Flight Simulator X and below. |
Category: Flight Simulator X - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications | CSA '90 Years' Boeing 777-200LR |
Images related to this file:
File Description: My another texture for the PMDG 777 |
Filename: | pmdg_777-200lr_csa_90_years.zip | License: | Freeware | Added: | 24th August 2014, 11:56:30 | Downloads: | 1539 | Author: | Vlada Hammer | Size: | 17439kb |
Category: Flight Simulator X - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications | Emirates Boeing 777-31H (A6-ECK) |
Images related to this file:
File Description: Emirates 777-300ER in the registration A6-ECK sporting a new 'Expo 2020' decal. Textures only. Requires the payware PMDG 777. Repainted by Zayn Ridhwan/SimTextures by Zayn. Compatible with FSX & P3D. |
Filename: | emirates_a6-eck.zip | License: | Freeware, limited distribution | Added: | 21st December 2017, 17:41:14 | Downloads: | 3935 | Author: | Zayn Ridhwan SimTextures by Y&Z | Size: | 8667kb |
Category: Flight Simulator X - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications | 'Boeing House Colors 1994 / First 777 flight' Boeing 777-200LR (N7771) |
Other files which are related to, or may be required by, this file:
Images related to this file:
File Description: PMDG 777-200LR in the 1994 Boeing House that the first 777 was painted in. Textures only. |
Filename: | 1994_boeing_house_777.zip | License: | Freeware | Added: | 6th July 2015, 15:05:12 | Downloads: | 1701 | Author: | Weston Hall | Size: | 6630kb |
Category: Flight Simulator X - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications | 'Boeing House Colors 1994 / First 777 flight' Boeing 777-200LR (N7771) - Fix |
Other files which are related to, or may be required by, this file:
Images related to this file:
File Description: PMDG 777-200LR in 1994 Boeing House scheme (First 777 Flight). Fix for original file. |
Filename: | 1994_boeing_house_777_329748.zip | License: | Freeware | Added: | 9th July 2015, 08:47:20 | Downloads: | 858 | Author: | Weston Hall | Size: | 6564kb |
Category: Flight Simulator X - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications | 'Boeing House Colors' Boeing 777-200LR (N5014K) |
Images related to this file:
File Description: PMDG 777-200LR as Boeing House Color used on the First 300 built. This file contains a repaint of the PMDG 777 Base Pack. Textures only. By Corina Meyer. |
Filename: | pmdg777-200lr__boeing_company_n5014k.zip | License: | Freeware | Added: | 29th August 2014, 16:22:04 | Downloads: | 1813 | Author: | Corina Meyer | Size: | 26602kb |
Category: Flight Simulator X - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications | 'Demonstrator' Boeing 777-200LR (N772LR) |
Images related to this file:
File Description: PMDG 777-200LR as Boeing Demonstrator N772LR. This file contains a fictional repaint of the PMDG 777. Textures only. |
Filename: | pmdg777-200lr_boeing_company_n772lr.zip | License: | Freeware | Added: | 27th February 2014, 21:59:38 | Downloads: | 2547 | Author: | Corina Meyer | Size: | 17964kb |
Category: Flight Simulator X - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications | 'Demonstrator' Boeing 777-F (N771F) |
Images related to this file:
File Description: PMDG 777-F as Boeing Experimental N771F. This file contains a repaint of the PMDG 777. Textures only. By Corina Meyer. |
Filename: | pmdg777-f_boeing_demonstrator_n771f.zip | License: | Freeware | Added: | 29th October 2013, 23:39:04 | Downloads: | 984 | Author: | Corina Meyer | Size: | 13191kb |
Category: Flight Simulator X - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications | 'Demonstrator' Boeing 777-F (N7772F) |
Images related to this file:
File Description: PMDG 777-F as Boeing Demonstrator N7772F. This file contains a fictional repaint of the PMDG 777. Textures only. |
Filename: | pmdg777-f_boeing_demonstrator_n772f.zip | License: | Freeware | Added: | 31st January 2014, 03:21:45 | Downloads: | 1636 | Author: | Corina Meyer | Size: | 18322kb |
Category: Flight Simulator X - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications | 'Pride of the Middle East' Boeing 777-200LR |
File Description: Textures only for the PMDG B777-200LR model. Plane textures are based on one of the Emirates A320s (http://www.cardatabase.net/modifiedairlinerphotos/photos/big/00013930.jpg).
Filename: | pride_of_the_middle_east.zip | License: | Freeware | Added: | 29th August 2014, 16:16:57 | Downloads: | 856 | Author: | Por Por Tapatt | Size: | 14353kb |
Category: Flight Simulator X - Aircraft Repaints, Textures and Modifications | 'Private (Canada)' Boeing 777-200LRX |
Images related to this file:
File Description: This is a fictional repaint of PMDG's 777-200LR in a private livery. I made it for myself and figured it was worth sharing! The C-GXLJ was at the time of upload an unused Canadian registration that was meant to be short for Xtra Large Jet! Feel free to stick a different flag on the paint, or travel as a Canadian in our virtual world! |
Filename: | pmdg_77lx_c-gxlj.zip | License: | Freeware | Added: | 17th December 2013, 20:43:05 | Downloads: | 1452 | Author: | Luc Arsenault | Size: | 16710kb |
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9) RESPECT MODERATORS: Moderators have a tough job, and none of them enjoy having to stomp out negativity. If a moderator has to weigh in to keep a thread peaceful, please respect that effort and refrain from giving the moderator any grief.
10) If you require official support for any of our products please open a support ticket through the support portal, https://support.precisionmanuals.com
11) This forum is designed primarily as a vehicle for the PMDG development team to interact with our customers, and for customers to interact with one another in a manner that is positive, supportive and assists in the general advancement of understanding the simulation and helping to make this and future simulations better. Any other use of this forum is not permitted, including but not limited to discussion of pricing policies, business practices, forum moderating policies, advertising of non-PMDG products, promotion of events, services or products that are not approved in advance by PMDG or any other topic deemed unacceptable by any forum administrator
12) HAVE FUN: This is the whole point of it all.

777 Pmdg Update
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